Sunday, July 1, 2012

Almost Home!

We made it to Detroit, and will get to Cleveland at around 7pm! With a sizable layover, it's a good opportunity to try and summarize what everyone said that God taught them this week! Of course, it's impossible to recreate our meeting where this was all shared, but at least it gives you a taste of it.

What did God teach you? (in no particular order)

1. Ryan--that God answers prayers! (he saw many specific ways that God answered our prayers)
2. Brooke--patience and understanding with others and with circumstances
3. Ashley--that people in different religions are in need of the gospel and how much impact we can make (especially with the kids)
4. Norman H--to be patient and to be more commited to prayer
5. Lynn--How kind the Lord is and how He provided everytime we were in need
6. Cherylene--to more sensitive to the needs around me (spiritual needs, physical, etc.)
7. Rachael--to be more grateful and to notice the needs of others
8. Amara--not to be so intimidated (especially with sharing at the Book Table)--that she can do it!
9. Katie--to be more patient and what to say and what not to say in evangelism situations
10. Joel--humility in leading and that leadership isn't as glamorous as he thought
11. Brett--how great the need is for the gospel and for missionaries...there was a sadness with
how many people are lost
12. Kevin--to be more patient and to be more open personally and in sharing my faith.
13. Eric--that he needs a lot of work in a lot of areas
14. McKenna--to look for the small ways that God works in life and sparked some interest in mission work
15. Mark--enjoyed seeing how God used the group together
16. Abigail D.--how hard it is to do missions and live the Christian life when you are focused on yourself and not on God
17. Abbey M.--to accept that God is in control and not me

Thanks again to everyone who has been praying for us!

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