Saturday, June 30, 2012


This morning we went to one of the busiest streets that we have seen here. We set up tables at the beginning and toward the end of the street. Since it was only 10 am, there weren’t many people. But as the day went on we got a large amount of people interested in the tables and some even willing to have a long conversation. Ryan Sedletzeck really stepped up his game today and got into conversations with around three or four different people. Another VIP of today was Mark Loomis! Mr. Loomis got into an awesome conversation with a guy for about an hour! He said that it went very well and smoothly. Today was a blast though!!! I feel it made a huge impact on the team and on the people who took a flyer and even showed the slightest interest in the tables.

Eric Depew

After a huge lunch at an Indian buffet where we all ate our fill (Plus a little extra--tee-hee) we headed out for the park to help New Life Masih Gahr church with their annual outreach cook-out. Some took the public bus, a few went in Barry’s car, but most walked. When we arrived we began to lay out the plans including setting up a face painting station, a volleyball net, canopy and even a bouncy castle. (I have never wanted to be an eight year old more in my lifeJ) When the hard work was finished we started all doing what we liked best--some went to paint faces or play with kids or play soccer, (well football I should say), and the kids flocked to us. By the time six o’clock rolled around we had a very large crowd gathered, we served about three hundred people a dinner of rice, chicken burgers and chicken hot dogs. When dinner was done most of the ladies and a few gents went to kick around a football with our friend Jasmit. It was really fun! We tried to start a pick up game with the Brit kids and they creamed us. Despite being beaten and tired and a little sunburned from the gorgeous sunshine we had, the day went fantastic and we fed every mouth in the park with food to spare, God really blessed us today J.

Rachael Cumbee


  1. Sweet! Sounds like a great finish to a crazy week! Blessings come when you least expect them!
